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Why You Need Explainer Videos For Your Product And Services

Engaging audiences and getting their attention are near-impossible tasks in the digital age. People must carefully screen their information due to data overload. As a result, businesses must select the appropriate forms for product presentations. The first of these is explainer videos.

Here are ten compelling arguments for why business owners today should be aware of this video design type.

Increased conversion rates

According to a recent study, 85% of individuals are more likely to make a product buy after watching an explainer film. Explainer films are extremely important for online firms that need to demonstrate their products or services to a large audience.

A man showing virtually displayed report to his team

Explainer films improve audience comprehension by outlining the advantages and features of the product as well as how it may be utilized to address a specific issue or satisfy a specific demand. Startup Explainer Videos give businesses the chance to convert website visitors into paying clients. Startups and enterprises can also learn about a product’s popularity and subsequent sales by counting how many visitors have watched each product demo video.

Make your product/service clearer

The benefit of explainer videos is that they are easy to understand. Most viewers will understand the message more clearly and have fewer misconceptions about the goods or services. The text on your website is complex as compared to these videos. Some readers who skim the book or misunderstand a phrase or jargon may become perplexed or hesitant to act as a result.

Visitors will be able to more clearly understand the concept of your product or service, its benefits, and the need it fills if they view a brief explainer film. You may establish a connection with your audience with startup explainer videos. Nothing could be better than demonstrating to consumers how your product solves their problems!

Professionals looking at a man on TV screen in office
Happy entrepreneur joining a business meeting via video conference call and talking about paperwork with his colleagues.

Google search ranking

Customers’ attention spans are so short these days, that visitors don’t have time to read through densely packed informational websites. They require a method that will provide them with all the information they require in a matter of seconds.

Startup explainer films grab viewers’ attention and then swiftly deliver precise product information, empowering potential customers to make decisions with confidence more quickly!

A person touching a virtual screen displaying SEO

These explainer videos make it easy for potential customers to understand the problem or solution, which leads to heavy engagement on the website and helps in increasing the search ranking of the website.

Drive conversions

Today, all startups and companies use startup explainer videos to promote their brands on social media. The most popular content on social media is video. By producing a product demo film to spark curiosity, you can draw audiences to your startup product. The best thing about web videos is how simple it is to upload and share. This expands the market reach of your startup’s message.

Team members looking at laptop displaying a report
Percentages graphical representation against concentrated business team working on laptop

Increased website traffic

The best way to drive traffic to a website is through videos. To boost online traffic, startups must include a video on their landing page.

Trending viral videos can be incredibly helpful for new and expanding businesses. A superb video has the best possibility of becoming truly viral and disseminating the name of your company far and wide, despite the fact that there is no secret to generating viral videos.

A person touching a virtual screen displaying customer data

Making a good pitch

An explanation video is the ideal product pitch! The text really isn’t as persuasive as speech! Text can be used to describe a product, but it won’t have the same impact as video.

Today’s consumers value entertainment and action over text-only reading. They are more receptive to a product message that is presented in video form.

Asian man looking on a phone device

This is the case because the message in the video is effectively conveyed to the viewer thanks to strong and persuasive writing, as well as astute animations, brilliant colors, amusing cartoon characters, an engaging plot, strong images, and background music.

Easy to upload and share

The nicest thing about these videos is how simple it is to create and share, which raises brand recognition among the general public.

YouTube ranks as the second-best search engine. Users search and watch videos on YouTube, as it is an easy and better medium to gain information. Startups can also post their films on YouTube to reach a larger audience for a very minimal cost.

A person touching play button on a virtual screen

Brand personality

Explainer videos are necessary for internet firms to show their target customers the benefits of their products. These firms truly need to develop their own brand personalities in order to boost sales. Explainer films allow for the creation of a brand personality that can significantly influence potential customers.

Characters, plots, and animations all come together in the film in a wonderfully effective way to create and enhance a brand’s personality and image.

A man showing report a woman on a desk with computers
Attractive man pointing to the computer screen and business presentation while sitting at the office. Professional coworkers working on an analytical report

Explainer videos also assist in building brand associations in addition to brand character.

The problem-solution approach aids in creating associations in the brains of the clients. Additionally, the character featured in the videos is effective at relating to regular people.

Develops credibility

You are a startup, thus you are new to the industry. You have a plan, a concept, and ideas for how to make a change. You can explain these ideas to others. However, why would people have faith in you? In your opinion? In your idea?

A person looking on a tablet device playing video

If you are a startup, your credibility can be very low. You must earn your client’s trust. You may persuade people to learn more about you and to believe you by using an explainer video.

People can better understand who you are after watching your video. They can see proof of your authority in these films. The films help you establish a rapport of trust with your viewers by demonstrating your genuine interest in their problems and in offering a solution.

Additionally, the videos increase your trust with the audience by demonstrating to them your methods of operation, your goals, your mission, and your level of commitment to your business.

Helps retain information

Visual information is conveyed to the brain at a rate of 90%, and the brain processes visual information 60,000X faster than it does text. This fact demonstrates that the human brain is adept at digesting information presented visually, thus by delivering video to your customers, you provide them the opportunity to learn everything there is to know about your product or service.

People sitting on a table looking on a TV screen

You’ve now been given a few compelling arguments for creating your own startup explainer film and for why they are so well-liked. With a high-quality video, you may increase credibility and confidence among potential consumers, help them comprehend your product as a solution to their issue, and increase conversion rates at a reduced cost.

While running a business is already quite a lot of work, it’s best if you let the experts handle the explainer videos.

Fortunately, Tentackles holds expertise in delivering the best for its clients effortlessly. Contact us today to know more.